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Charity must not miss the heart, it always begins with joy. We were flooded with both 106 pairs of stretched arms and expectant eyes. Each kid was ready to throw himself to us and to our act of service. We were the ones wanting to be generous, but we were welcomed with even greater generosity. We were the ones wanting to show charity, but we received a greater deal of benevolence.

This made a fairly normal sunny afternoon in February, not so ordinary after all for the Promax team. We visited the tenants of DSWD Reception and Study Center for Children. There were 106 of them, it was hard to keep track of each kid as they ran around and mingled with us. They were small, young at ages 2 to 12, but generous in showing innocent gratitude.

The kids were easy to entertain. In fact, they did not need much entertainment as they themselves danced and sang for us. Their little hands were easy to fill with candies. Their naive hearts were easy to tickle. It was easy to give them something small, but which they were capable to express as joy.

We salute the staff of DSWD Reception and Study Center for Children in Quezon City, headed by Mr. Mark Andrew Leyson, for all their hard work and service. We witnessed how each house parent showed care, discipline, and dedication to the kids. Special thanks also to Marlyn and Camille for their kind accommodation to the Promax team. It is a privilege to be sharing our time, talent, and treasure to a good cause.

Our CEO, Vincent Yu, encouraged us to look forward to our next outreach activity. This one was successfully organized by our Sales Billy Val Hernandez and HR Lovely Esto. We all went home happy knowing Promax got a great deal that day. We all got huge hugs in exchange of loot bags! Indeed, charity begets charity.

Promax Outreach On February 20, 2016



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